Gretl Download For Mac

Jul 12, 2018  gretl for Mac is application that has been designed for econometric analysis. It is written in the C programming language and is also available for the Windows platform. Gretl for Mac has language support for English, French, Italian, Spanish. Gretl is a cross-platform, free and open source software package for econometric analysis, written in the C programming language.

[gretl main page]

for macOS

This page offers gretl for macOS 10.6 ('Snow Leopard', released 2009) or higher. If you're running a version of OS X prior to 10.6 please see our gretl for legacy Macs page.

Getting gretl

Gretl Download For Mac

You have a choice of the latest 'official' release or the current'snapshot'. The snapshot is more up to date: often it will containbug-fixes but sometimes it will contain newly introduced bugs. To seewhat's new in the snapshot, take a look at the gretlChange log (the 'in progress' entry).

latest release (Mar 5, 2020)

OR current snapshot


Tip: If you're updating your gretl installation it may be advisable to delete the old version of gretl before installing the new one.

You may also be interested in the optional extrasbelow.

Installing gretl

Music Download For Mac

Here's the drill:

  1. Click to download either the latest release or the 'snapshot' (above). Theselected gretl package file should appear in your Downloads after a shortwhile, or it may be opened by the Mac Installer program right away.If the package is not opened automatically, minimize your browser window soyou can see what's happening on your desktop, then double-click on the gretlfile in Downloads to open the installer. Either way, you should then bewalked through the installation process.

  2. Navigate to Applications in the Finder and you should now see a gretlicon there. Double-clicking should start gretl. On its first run gretlmay take a while to start, as it scans the fonts available on yoursystem. Assuming gretl starts OK, you can drag its icon from Applicationsonto the dock to get a quick-launcher.

  3. Clean up: the installer (pkg) file canbe moved to the Trash once installation is completed.

Apple security issues

If you're downloading gretl from this site you can be confident that theinstaller contains no malware. However, Apple's security measures may blockinstalling and/or running gretl. In that case what you have to do depends onwhether you're running macOS 10.15 ('Catalina') or higher, or an earlier version.

  • If your macOS is earlier than Catalina, the discussion (with screenshots)at therampagedevblog should tell you what you need to know.

  • If you're running Catalina or higher, here's a step-by-step HOWTO.

    1. Open System Preferences and navigate to 'Security & privacy'. Select the General tab. We'll come back to this window shortly.

    2. Double-click the gretl .pkg file. You'll get a message 'gretl-quartz.pkg can't be opened because Apple cannot check it ...'. Click OK to close the window.

    3. In the tab mentioned in item 1 you will see a message with a button Open Anyway: click that button.

    4. Double-click the gretl pkg file again. Now you'll get the same window as in item 2, but with two buttons: Open and Cancel. Click Open and gretl will be installed.

Optional extras

Free Downloads For Mac

You may wish to install X-13-ARIMA-SEATS and/or TRAMO/SEATS. These are specialized programs foranalysis of seasonal time series data, in versions compatible with gretl. Butplease note: the TRAMO/SEATS package below contains a 32-bit programwhich will not run on macOS Catalina or higher. We will provide a 64-bitversion of TRAMO/SEATS if and when we can.

X-13-ARIMA-SEATS for Intel Mac



TRAMO/SEATS for Intel Mac
